Tuesday, September 8, 2009

What should I do?

Help! Need advice!

I got married when I was 24 years old. We were married 4 years. We've now been divorced for as long as we were married. I have mostly happy memories of this marriage, but that's all they are: memories. I have a completely new life now. A new partner, a new city, a new view on a lot of things.

Here's my question. Do I sell my wedding ring? It is a beautitful ring. I picked it out, and I love it. I love it. But I will obviously never wear it again. So do I sell it? Out with the old and in with the new? Do I hang on to it for memory's sake? Do I take the diamonds out of it and make something brand new?

I didn't think I would ever get rid of it, but lately, I've sort of been feeling like what's the point? No matter how much I love it, it represents something that no longer exists. I'm not hanging on to it because I am still harboring feelings for the man. Nope. I think I harbor feelings for the ring though. And also, my Mom once told me not to get rid of it. She said I would want it at some point. But will I really? Would it be better to sell it, and use the money toward something else? Or should I just put it away and revisit this in another 4 years?

So any other advice? Has anyone else gone through this? I need some guidance.

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like you love the look of this ring, just not what it represents, so you would be sad to sell it (unless you could really use the $$) and sad to melt it down into something else. Although I am personally on a major "get rid of the sh*t you don't need" campaign, this is a tiny thing-- not something that is going to create a lot of physical or psychological clutter. And who knows? Maybe someday you'll have a child or a beloved niece or nephew who would just love to use a family heirloom as an engagement/wedding ring. By then, its original use will be so far in the past as to be nonexistent and you would would be so glad you kept it. I, for instance, appreciate the fact that Jade's mom kept her plain gold wedding band from her marriage to Jade's dad. Now it is re-sized and will be Jade's wedding band. We loved that we could have a wedding band that cost us only $75 in re-sizing, has practically zero environmental impact, and came from within the family. That stuff is more real to me than what it represented to them, and now it has a new meaning.
