Thursday, July 23, 2009

Best Friends Forever

Katie is my best friend. She has been my best friend for many years, and she is my best friend for many reasons. Here is an example.

Several years ago, my boyfriend broke up with me. I am a fairly dramatic person, and at the time, it was a rough break-up. I was completely devastated and pretty much flipping out. Katie and I shared an apartment in Ann Arbor at the time.

(Side note: it was the only time we ever lived together, and I’m so happy we were able to have that experience before she went to law school and I went to NZ. Based on how much we ordered out, I’m pretty sure that Pizza House was also happy.)

After the horrific break-up took place, I called Katie at work in hysterics. Heaving and sputtering, I told her what happened. "Okay," she said, "I’m coming home now." And she hung up. I sat in our little apartment, crying and feeling sorry for myself. Minutes tick by, but no Katie. She only works a few blocks away, what is taking her so long? 15, 20 minutes, still no Katie. Finally, a half hour later, she walks in the door. And she has a bag. I stop crying long enough to yell at her for taking forever. I TOLD you, I am a dramatic person.

Katie sighs, “I know, that took ages. I had to stop and get provisions.” Out of the bag she pulls a carton of ice cream, a bottle of wine, and a dozen beers. “I didn’t know which one you would want,” she says, and then she hugs me.

I know. You wish Katie was YOUR best friend too.

P.S. Wine.

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