Friday, January 23, 2009

Dear Dish Network....

Dear Dish Network,

How are you? I am not fine. In fact, I am very, very far from fine. I am sure you know that the season premiere of LOST was on Wednesday night. Unfortunately, because of numerous circumstances all involving the Dish, I do not know if the Oceanic 6 have made it back to the Island. I do not know how John Locke died. I do not know what is up with the time and space continueum. Imagine my disappointment after watching four seasons of LOST back to back, hurrying through season 4 just to be caught up for the premier, to not have access to the show because of your inferior broadcasting.
But rest assured: I am not just angry with you. There is another source of my discontent: the local ABC channel, KOMO 4. You are, apparently, unable to reach an agreeement and so we do not have ABC. I'm sure that both of you just want more than you are entitled to, and thus, your subscribers now have to pay the price.
And yes, smart guy, I realize I can watch LOST online. I know this. But it is not the same. And also not the point.
And furthermore, after converting to an HD TV a few months ago, we needed to have a Dish upgrade. After waiting for a month to get the dude out to our place, we were told that we could not upgrade because there is a tree in the way of the satellite. A tree. The satellite signal comes FROM SPACE, and a tree that is two feet in width is preventing me from watching HD TV. Of course. And do you know, dearest Dish network, what your employee said? He said, "Why don't you call DirectTV? Their satellite is about two feet to the right of the tree. It will work for you." Um, okay.
So Dish Network, that is what we did. And on February 1, DirectTV will be broadcasting at our house. And on February 4, we will watch LOST, and we will drink a toast to you.

With no love LOST,
Emily xoxo