Monday, January 26, 2009

The Official Soundtrack from The Original Life

I am the sort of person that needs the right music to get motivated to do *anything*. When I went bungy-jumping in NZ, I made the bungy-jumping operator guy, much to his excitement, change the radio station until I found an appropriate song to jump to. "C'mon and Take a Look Outside", incidentally, an NZ band and song. I love theme music.
Really, having the right music totally sets the tone of your day or your mood or your conversation. It's kind of like having your very own soundtrack. Music can totally fire us up or make us cry. When I was going through my divorce, my theme song was definitely "Title and Registration" by Death Cab for Cutie. Well, okay, let's be honest here. First it was NIN's "Only Me", and after I'd gotten the yelling and throwing shit out of the way, the sadness and the Death Cab could set in.
At the hard start, long distance time of me and Tim's relationship, it was Bright Eyes "Walk Away." And I know I passed that particular theme song on to at least two others. Definitely going on the soundtrack.
Or you can hear a song, and it can completely take us back to another time and place or light up an old friend's face in our mind. Make us burst out laughing at the memory.
Lisa sang "The Boxer" to me at Epcot waiting for the fireworks to start.
Katie and I drunkenly forced our other sober friends to sit down and watch us dance to "Holiday".
There are countless Albion songs that will always remind me of Dave and Jay and Dave and Kristin and Kel.
Of course, there's always the good ol' mopping song for Davia (It's Oh So Quiet).
I wish I'd made a mix tape every month or two of my life. You know, just fill a 90 minute tape with all of the songs of the moment, the songs that defined my life at that particular period. Oh, what a topsy-turvy musical rollercoaster of an autobiography that would be.
But what about now? I'm struggling to think of a theme song for right now. I like to listen to Rilo Kiley while I cook. And I'm digging Sons & Daughters for a dance party. But I can't think of one song that really defines *me* right now.
What's yours? I won't steal it. I promise. Sort of.


  1. Well...there's always a special place in my heart for Bjork (where is she these days?). But my favorite song of the moment, my theme song if you will, is probably "Make You Feel My Love", by Adele (originally a Bob Dylan tune), followed closely by "Jai Ho" by AR Rahman. The second is in Hindi I think, so I have no idea what it means, but I swear whenever I listen to it, the clouds in the sky part and the sun shines through. Feel free to steal either tune...they're both feel good songs.

  2. thank god for twitter, and thank god for blogs. now i have something else to occupy my long days with ;)
    i'd have to say that the all time song of my life would be "dont stop me now" by queen. it's a great theme song to have, as it's kitschy and pop-ish, and gets me pumped for just about anything.
    in case you were curious...;)
