Saturday, January 31, 2009

Time After Time

Margaret Atwood, my favorite author, says in Cat's Eye, "Time is not a line but a dimension. You don't look back along time but down through it, like water. Sometimes this comes to the surface, sometimes that, sometimes nothing. Nothing ever goes away."

This makes sense to me. Good sense. It also helps me justify time travel in my head. And I love the idea of time travel.

But even so, isn't it strange how, after a relationship ends, it's so hard to remember the details later on. It's almost like a dream, or a story you heard from someone else a long time ago. Like it never really happened to you at all.

But once in a while, all of a sudden, something reminds you of him. A song, a smell, a voice, and there it is. So I guess Margaret is right after all. Nothing ever goes away. Even if you wish it would.

1 comment:

  1. I forgot that I linked to your blog from my blog and was just on my page and happily made my way here.

    I had forgotten what a romantic you are and how fantastic your brain is. :)

    Zen & Emerson was the best class for us to have together. I remember when we watched Harold & Maude.
