Yes, we're up early again today because we're heading back to the West Shore for a hike in Koke'e State Park. Originally, we planned on doing the Nu'aolo Loop Trail. Including the walk back to the car, this loop trail would be about 11 miles. However, upon further research, we realized that this loop trail includes a portion called the Nu'aolo Cliff Trail, and this cliff trail is literally on the edge of a cliff. It's very, very narrow, and if you fell, you would tumble about 2,000 feet. Hmm. Sounds a bit sketchy, eh? Here are the two photos that convinced me that not only is this portion of the hike sketchy, it is NOT FOR ME.
I do not do well with cliffs. And thus, our 11 mile hike became a 7 mile hike. We decided to just do the return portion of the loop - the Awa'awapuhi Trail. Now, don't start thinking just because this trail is shorter that we got off easy. The trail starts at 4,120 feet, and it ends at 2,500 feet. And what did I say on the Kalalau Trail?!
What goes down must go up.

But seriously, this trail is awesome. LOVED it. Really nice landscape, and you are rewarded with some gorgeous views at the end.
This is definitely a trail you would want to avoid if it's been raining in Koke'e though - it would be really muddy and treacherous. Also, it quite a bit chillier at this elevation than in other parts of Kauai. I wore long pants and hiking boots, and I actually started out with a hoodie. By the time we were huffing and puffing on the return, the hoodie was history, but I was happy I had it in the beginning. We started the hike around 10am, and this was perfect. We were done by 2p-ish, and we had time to explore Waimea Canyon on the way back. We brought sammies and ate lunch at the lookout. Unfortunately, as I was eating lunch, I looked down and a mouse was drinking the condensation off my water bottle. Another sad rodent surprise.
Side note: I forgot to mention this in the Kalalau post, but on the last leg of that hike, I was walking up ahead of Tim, and what do I see on the trail? Yes, a rat. A rat. But I was so effing tired, I COULDN'T EVEN SCREAM.
Me: "aah. a rat."
Tim: "What? A rat? Hahahahaha! You can't even scream! You must not be afraid of them anymore!"
Rat: "Well, I'm sure as hell not afraid of her. She can't even walk, let alone hurt me. I think I will instead lay down in the middle of the path and force her to walk around me."
Back on the Awa'awapuhi Trail, we're enjoying the beautiful views and beautiful day and all together beautiful hike. Fed? Yes. Rested? Yes. Well, get your boots on cause it's time to pay the piper.
And up, up, up we go!
Let me tell you guys, Tim is amazing at "up". He can power up a hill or a mountain. He's barely sweating, barely puffing. And I am pretty sure I am going to pass out. But I made it. Yeah, I'm totally a hiker now. It's pretty cool.

After our hike, we stopped at several viewpoints of Waimea Canyon. Seriously, gorgeous. If we come back here, I'd love to check out some more hikes in this area.
Afterwards, we headed out to Waimea Brewing Company - obviously it's time for a beer! It's located on the Waimea Plantation grounds which are so beautiful. They have all sorts of different and unique cottages to stay in, beautiful beach views. We saw a wedding going on - if we could afford it, I would love to get married here. Sigh. Okay, moving on. The beer was okay, nothing spectacular, but not bad either. We also had some Kalua pork nachos, and those were definitely spectacular. Loved this spot for a post-hike nosh.

After relaxing for a bit, we're heading back to Kapa'a. Even though we've had our afternoon snack, you know we're going to need more to eat tonight! We have been wanting to try a restaurant really close to our place called Caffe Coco. You can sort of see it from the road, and it looked adorable. We were definitely not disappointed. Basically, you enter the restaurant and order from the counter. Oh, and it's BYOB, so make sure you bring a bottle of wine along with you. After ordering, you basically head out to the backyard, and you pick your table. It's almost like having dinner a friends house. You're outdoors, and there are Christmas lights strung up, and citonella candles everywhere. A cute hippie band was playing Cat Stevens and the Beatles. The food was fabulous. It was just really cute and very romantic.
Sigh. I love Kauai.

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