Monday, June 14, 2010

Day 4 later on & Days 5/6

Friday night's dinner was amazing.  Grilled halibut with tons of grilled veggies.  Gorgeous.  Oh, and did I mention the tons of wine?  Yeah.

P.S.  Hangovers are not good for the dairy-free, wheat-free, processed foods-free diet.

Day 5:  I wake up horribly hungover, and I have to go to work.  Sigh.  I make myself a PB&J on Udi's gluten free bread for the road, and it does help.  Udi's is surprisingly good.  I mean, the slices are small, but still.  It'll do in a pinch. 
I felt like crap all day, but it definitely wasn't because of the diet.  I'm fortunate to work at WFM because I am able to have someone fix me grilled salmon and arugla salad for lunch.  So even with a hangover, I managed to stick with it.  Post-lunch, and feeling better.

Sadly, it's all downhill from here.

Evening of Day 5:  We head out to a bar, and I eat a grilled cheese sammie with 2 cheeses on sourdough, and I have 3 beers.  Not good.

Day 6:  It's Sunday, and I already know I am not going to be strong.  I start off well - a slice of frittata.  But it's all downhill from there....

We head out for a late lunch, and I eat wings and salad and fries - which all would have been okay (no dairy, no wheat), but then I added blue cheese dressing and 2 beers.  Once again, not good. 

Overall, the weekend has not been good for my elimination diet.  But Monday is another day, another week, another chance to deprive myself of things I love.

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