Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Day 7 - Nervous Nelly

Day 7, but really more like Day 5 because of the mess-ups on the real Days 5 & 6.  But who's counting?

I wake up feeling anxious.  I didn't sleep great, and I've just got a lot of anxiety going on with work stuff this week.  We're also out of coffee, and that isn't helping.  I scarf down a piece of frittata for breakfast, and anxiously, I'm off to face the world.

It is a crazy whirlwind sort of day, but I am amazingly productive.  The anxiety seems to fade away, and I honestly can't believe how much I get done.  I am a bit snacky though.  I eat a mini-bag of Popchips around noon, and for lunch I have vegan split pea soup and some leftover popcorn with truffle salt.  Later in the afternoon, I have a mini-Lara Bar and some sunflower seeds.  I don't normally snack this much at work. 

I'm on a later shift so I get home later than normal, but I still have a ton of energy.  Feeling good, I BBQ some chicken with Oregon Dan's BBQ sauce accompanied by corn on the cob and asapargus.  Awesome, summery feeling meal.  I force myself to go to bed because I've got a super early day tomorrow, but this was the most energy I'd had in awhile.  And this morning's anxiety is gone. 

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